Breastfeeding: A Gift That Lasts a Lifetime
Speak Up: What You Need to Know About Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is natural for you and your baby, but it is a skill that needs to be learned. Speak up and ask questions about breastfeeding before your baby is born and while you are in the hospital. Download this brochure developed by the Joint Commission for more information: English Spanish
Find a La Leche League Group To find a La Leche League group near you visit the La Leche League International Web site.
Find a Breastfeeding Coalition in your Community Breastfeeding Coalitions are groups of breastfeeding advocates. If you are interested in joining a coalition or creating one in your community, visit the Iowa Coalition page.
Hand Expression of Breastmilk Hand expression is a useful skill for breastfeeding mothers. Dr. Jane Morton from Stanford School of Medicine demonstrates how to hand express breastmilk in this seven minute video. She also has this video about the first drops of breastmilk.
Breastfeeding Equipment to be Allowed as Medical Tax Deduction and Reimbursement by Flexible Health Spending Accounts Research has documented numerous health benefits linked to breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is effective in preventing disease, it also happens to save billions in health care costs. The IRS recently acknowledged the benefit of breastfeeding and reversed an early ruling that denied equipment used to help women breastfeed from being covered as a health care expense. Breast pumps are now covered under flexible health spending accounts. Purchased breast pumps in 2010 are also now a deductable expense on tax returns.
Safe Sleeping Brochure English Spanish
Human Milk Storage Guidelines: English Spanish
Breastfeeding Web sites
Low Milk Supply
Work and Pump
It is important when looking for breastfeeding help on the internet that you go to sites with accurate and supportive information.
Mothers Milk Bank of Iowa
Visit to learn more about the Mothers Milk Bank of Iowa and find out how to donate breastmilk. The milk bank is located in Coralville, Iowa and there are depots located around the state of Iowa in Ames, Burlington, Cedar Falls, Cedar Rapids, Clive, Davenport, Des Moines, Dubuque, Newton, Sioux City, Spencer, and Waterloo.
YouTube Videos by Colorado Breastfeeding Coalition
Breastfeeding and Working
Employers Perspective on Accommodating Breastfeeding
Workplace Accommodations for Nursing Mothers Act in Colorado
Other Breastfeeding Videos
Breast Crawl - Baby's First Meal
Thirdhand Smoke Resource Center
Disclaimer: All materials and information provided at is for educational purposes only. If you have concerns regarding your health or the health of your child, consult your health care provider for individual medical care.